Human settlements

                                what is a human settlement in geography?

What is meant by the human settlement?
                                                                                     "The place where people are live".Human settlements mean " the lifestyle of the people".

What are the types of human settlement?

                                 Types of settlements
  1. Urban  settlements 
  2. Rural settlements
                                           Rural settlements
  • Hamlet
The smallest cluster of houses, not more than a dozen, is called hamlet.
  • Village
There is the next step of the hamlet is called the village. There are many houses, homes are together. Certainly, a village is more times bigger than the hamlet. There relays every opportunity of daily life.
  •  City
A city is a hundred times bigger than the villages. There present markets, offices, factories, etc.
  •  Metropolis
Metropolis basically said to a very large city. Usually, the population of a metropolis is in the millions.
  • Megalopolis
Megalopolis is a contribution of two cities. Where two cities are ended this contribution is called megalopolis.
  • Ecumenopolis

The combination of many cities makes an ecumenopolis.
  • Primate city
A country's leading city that is exceptionally large and expressive national/regional culture and feeling is called a primate city.
                               The pattern of rural settlements                                      
 1 Clustered rural settlements   
  • Linear settlements
  • Circular settlements
  • Long­­-lot pattern settlements
  • Walled settlements
  • Grid-pattern settlements
  • Miscellaneous pattern settlements
2 Dispersed or scattered rural settlements


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